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Pressure Transient Analysis
ARC Pressure Data uses PanSystem for pressure transient analysis. Pansystem is a powerful well test analysis software package developed by Edinburgh Petroleum Services Limited. PanSystem’s capabilities include the use of pseudopressures and multiple time functions for handling varying production histories. Numerous models are available for various wellbore storage, reservoir, and boundary responses. Oil, water, & gas properties can be calculated from various correlations or equations of state, or can be directly entered when available. Advanced simulation capabilities are available to modeling multi-well and multi-layer scenarios.

Analysis Methodology
By use of the Log-Log/Derivative plot, the well test analyst can make an initial evaluation of well test data. During this initial evaluation suitable models are chosen for inner boundary conditions, reservoir behavior, and outer boundary conditions. This initial evaluation is further evaluated by a series of steps ranging from a Horner analysis of a radial flow period to a type-curve or model matching process.
Pressure transient analysis often produces non-unique results. This is especially true for tests where there is not a distinct period of radial flow. In these cases multiple solutions can often be used to produce equally acceptable matches with the data. This is often the nature of pressure transient testing – the result being that additional information sources external to the well test must be leveraged to help narrow down the potential solutions. In these situations, the ARC well test analyst will work closely with customers in pursuing a solution.

Analysis Reports
Example Analysis Reports are available on this website for download. The Well Test Analysis Results section consists of a discussion of the test scenario, analysis methodologies, test results, and reservoir models used.

The Discussion of Results section concludes by discussing any assumptions made during the analysis, remaining questions and ambiguities, and implications arising out of the analysis. Multiple, non-unique “solutions” are discussed that may require additional input from other sources such as seismic, logging, etc.
A brief Summary of Results section is provided along with any applicable plots, and a listing of input parameters and input data.